Close Encounters
Sunday, Jake was torn between taking a hike with Jackson or watching the classic movie "Close Encounters of the Third Kind." Luckily, in this amazing age of technology, we were able to just "DVR" it to watch at our leisure. So last night, we watched it and Jackson got sucked in. I worried that it was too scary with the aliens and all, but he loved it and laughed at all the alien stuff.
In the beginning of the movie, a group of people have an "alien encounter" and all are left with a picture in their mind that they can't escape. Most of them obsessively draw pictures and sculpt a vision of the same image of a geological structure that we later learn is Devil's Tower located in Wyoming.
All these people are drawn to Devil's Tower. When they arrive, they find that this spot is the alien meeting point where aliens drop off several abductees and the star of the movie volunteers to leave with them.The funny thing is that the next day, Jackson starts the very same obsessive doodling of Devil's Tower, just like the characters in the movie. He added in a picture of the alien with light streaming off its body, just like the movie. The spikey ball above the tower is the space ship and the movie depicted a long hike through bushes at the base of the tower.
Perhaps Jackson and I should be prepared for a close encounter of the third kind.