Central Park

Our favorite playground in Central Park has this amazing stone slide that the kids just love. Sydney was a little apprehensive to ride alone, but with Aryn's coaxing, she made it a couple times. She and Aryn rode down together several times (thanks Aryn!!) and had a ball! Jackson is like a machine when we're there...running up the stairs over and over to ride again and again. This time, Jackson even joined the bigger kids and slid down on his coat, making the trip MUCH faster. He even flew off the end of the slide a couple times but laughed it off, unscathed.


Wow Jen!!! SO many posts, I don't even know where to start. I thought I had been checking for updates daily, but I got behind.
Your kids are so cute!! Last I saw, Sydney was still just crawling...now she's stealing...they grow up so fast. ;) Jackson reminds me of Jake. He's going to grow up to be the guy all the girls like, but he'll just want to play and have fun...until a cute "Jen" comes along. :)
And Kate is so cute with her chubby cheeks. I'm dying to meet her.
You've got to be si busy and hands full all the time, but it sounds like you are having so much fun! I stole when I was little claiming they were birthday presents...mom didn't believe me for a second. Isn't it funny how people think it's so unnatural to want to be honest?! Anyways, we both miss you all tons! We think about you alot and wish we could play...or I could help babysit. :) Love you all!!
HIJK Skousen said…
We love the new look of your blog. It's more your style. Your kids are champs. I've got to do a sleepover with Kayla and Isaiah - that looks fun. We can't wait for your visit next month. Talk to you soon

Cheryl J. said…
How did we miss this cool slide in out trips to NYC? LOL

We are itching for one last trip to the Big Apple. Keep us posted on your moving plans :-)

Love ya!
Seriously... said…
ummm...i LOVE sydney's new bob. sooo cute. why is that cut so cute on little girls????? I also like the new blog look. it's been a while since i've read blogs (just kind of out of it in CA)...i will call you soon. You're going to love it here
Stephanie said…
Jen, it was so much fun to read all your new posts! I am absolutely in awe of you, though. I can't imagine trying to brave the streets of NYC with THREE little kids on my hands. Like I said, I'm in awe. I think Kate is the most beautiful little baby! And I love Sydney's bob. I've kept Sophie's hair bobbed, too, and it always looks the best right after it's been cut. You like great, by the way. You guys keep living it up!
Pam Jorgensen said…
Cool slide...it reminds me of a mini version of the Alpine Slides in UT.

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