Just an update

I feel like we've been posting a lot of pictures lately but I haven't really said much. Usually pictures are what people are most interested in anyways, but this blog is also for our sake. So, on that note, I will give a brief synopsis of our lives as of today.

First and foremost, Jake is ONE FINAL away from being DONE with LAW SCHOOL!!! Wow. Unfortunately, it's a nasty, closed-book, closed-note final, so it will be the worst of the semester, but the LAST ONE, nonetheless. It really is a wonderful feeling. Of course, as the previous post notes, the real studying has only just begun.

That being said, we're about to embark on two weeks of "vacation" with Jake! His bar review course doesn't start till the 28th, so we have some time to have a little fun. That fun will start next week with a road trip to Michigan. The initial reason for the road trip was to attend Joe's (Jake's brother) graduation from Ave Maria Law School, but as the time grew closer we realized that with all the family there we would get to spend very little time with Joe & Heidi and we probably wouldn't even be able to go to the graduation because of our 3 small children. SO...we moved the trip up a couple days. We'll get there in time to have some "alone time" with Joe & Heidi and kids and we'll get to see the family but we'll split before the actual graduation ceremony. I'm SO EXCITED to see everyone! We haven't seen Joe & Heidi since Thanksgiving and haven't seen his parents since August! Since then we've endured an entire pregnancy and welcomed a new member to our family. Whew!

The only damper on the situation is the 10 hour drive to get to Michigan. Our kids are not used to being in car seats AT ALL since we don't own a car, so this will get interesting. We've got movies prepared and I've found a few games and things online, but any other ideas for distraction would be greatly appreciated. We can look forward to stopping in Cleveland to visit one of my best friends, Kendra, and her family.

After Michigan, we'll be getting our apartment ready for the onslaught of family arriving for Jake's graduation. Jake's parents, SIX of his siblings, one in-law, and 3 of their kids are coming to help us celebrate, along with my parents. Needless to say, our little 900 sq. foot apartment will be busting at the seems. They're not all staying here, but I can imagine we'll all be here together more than once. This will be one of the last times we get to take family on our "see NYC on a dime" tours. We've gotten pretty good at it!

We'll bless Kate in church on June 1st with the whole family here. That afternoon we're planning a big picnic at Brooklyn Bridge Park, directly under the bridge. Then we'll take the family on a little walking tour of DUMBO and lower Manhattan.

Jake will graduate on June 4th, amid his bar review course. After graduation, the kids and I will be deserting Jake (upon his request) so that he can concentrate his efforts on the bar and heading back to Missouri with my parents. As of now, we don't have a return date. Hopefully the neighbors won't think we've officially separated. :)

So those are the upcoming plans. Right now, the kids and I are enjoying the beautiful weather. Weather in the 70s all week. I've already started working on my "park tan" aka "farmer's tan." I'm making good progress. It's really nice to enjoy walking around again though. Today we took a walk on the Promenade, directly across the East River from Lower Manhattan. It's a beautiful walk if you think the city skyline is beautiful, and I do. I'm really going to miss that walk.

Kate is getting bigger and bigger by the day. She's really "waking up" meaning she's awake for maybe 5 or 6 hours a day. The kids can't get enough of her and just want to hug and kiss her all the time. Jackson is convinced that she's tickling him when her arms flail about and touch him. Sydney just says "HI BABY" and "HI KATE" over and over. Occasionally they get a little rough with her, but it doesn't seem to be malicious, just excitement.

Sydney is getting easier to understand. We finally deciphered one of her most famous utterances..."Shoo-pie." She says this as she runs around the the house with a hooded towel on her head after a bath. Finally we've determined she's saying "SUPER!"

Jackson is getting too smart for his own good. He told me this week he wants to be as smart as daddy so he can fix anything. I think he'll get there. He asks me question after question after question. It's gotten to the point that I've actually wanted to discipline him for asking so many questions! It's really annoying...but for the most part I really appreciate his inquisitive mind. I need to start documenting some of our conversations. They're pretty funny.

So that's us for now. I'm really enjoying our family. I think all these different personalities really make for a fun, interesting life and I'm anxious to watch it grow and change in the upcoming years. When I get crazy looks on the street as I see people silently count my one-two-THREE kids age 3 and under as I walk by them, I love looking them in the eye and saying, "Yep, they're all mine!"


Skousen # 4 said…
I can't believe how big your kids are getting. I miss them so much. I hope we see you this summer.
* Stephanie said…
Congratulations on the upcoming graduation! Michael's graduating next week too. And I know what you mean about people giving you looks for having lots of young kids. The thing I hear several times a day is "You've got your hands full, huh?" I keep thinking someday I'll answer someone, "No, why do you ask?" when they say that, but I probably never really would. Well, congrats.
For long trips:
At each rest stop, my Mom would give us something new: a snack, a toy, a game, a coloring book, etc (usually pretty cheap since she had to get 8). Also, a NEW movie may help Jackson since he'll probably get bored with all the ones he's seen. Of course, then he might start asking why a lot, so maybe not....
I can say that because I have no kids that can be taken away...hehehe.
Okay, I don't know...dad just got mad at us if we woudn't calm down.
I love the update. I hope you all have lot sand ots and lots of fun.
Carrie Anne said…
Hey! I'm SO GLAD you posted! I couldn't remember your married name from Kendra's blog, so I have never been to yours, but I'm SO HAPPY you posted! Congratulations on so many things...new baby, finishing law school, vacation time! WOW! Oh I think that would be SO MUCH FUN to visit you in NYC! I've only been there 1 time because we were visiting my aunt/uncle in Greenwich, CT 2 years ago, so we basically just drove around NYC on a Sunday afternoon, and it just got the itch in me even more! I bet it's been a blast for you guys! So what next? Do you know where you'll be moving? Are you trying to stay there? I love that you have 3 kids under 3...you and Kendra are WAY braver than me! Kate is one of my TOP girl names...the only reason I want a girl is so that I can use a girl name and I have NO boy names I'm dying over. Oh well.:) Okay, so you must tell me...what's the hardest/easiest...0-1, 1-2, or 2-3? I'm SO NERVOUS about this upcoming baby! I hope I can handle it! Is it okay with you if I add you to my blog list so I can check more often? You're so cool Jen! Have fun in Michigan and seeing Kendra and then MO with your fam. I miss Kendra!:)
Carrie Anne said…
PS-Good luck on the road trip, too! Things that saved us, kids CDs (my husband HATES them!), DVD player (of course), coloring books (except that Rebecca colored a beautiful rainbow on the ceiling above her in the carseat), so maybe those magic Crayola ones that only show up on that special paper, toys, stops at McDonald's. I'm sure you'll do great, though!
Doney Days said…
Boy you guys are busy! As for the road trip, Karen already gave you one of my suggestions, but another one is to make sure you stop to get out of the car to strecth your legs and go potty about every 2 hours. Maybe a sleeping pill and headphones for you in case the kids are screaming and you're about to lose it! :) Good luck and I hope you have so much fun!

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