Kate's Smile

We have several fabulous pictures of our trip this past week to Michigan and I promise to post them, but for tonight...I'm tired. So here is a teaser of Kate's amazing smile she's decided to grace us with on a regular basis these days. Isn't she funny? Enjoy!


Pam Jorgensen said…
She has "Chase hair"...remember when Chase's hair stood up on end like that?! Awesome!

Oh, and the smile is precious as well...
What a cute smile! She's growing up fast.
Tricia said…
Cute!! I love the hair. She's looking bigger still!! Tell her to stop growing until I can meet her in real life.
Cheryl J. said…
LOL...too funny Jen. You all need to check out Mom's blog (go comment her page). I trained her on blogging and fixing pictures with Photoshop Elements. She did a pretty good job!
Celeste said…
OH my gosh -- that smile! I want to swallow her up!!!!
Colleen said…
so cute. i wish that i knew what she was thinking. lol. i wish that you guys were here so that i could see you. so adorable
Seriously... said…
we had to give that one guy an answer...so we just told him it's a NO GO on that house. I think we're looking at the danville area still...or pleasant hill....or moraga, if something is in our price range. I'm sure we'll find something eventually...but it starts to get stressful when we're 1 month away from moving!

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