Good question

In an attempt to stall going to sleep, Jackson started this conversation...

Jackson: what do you feed Kate?
Me: milk.
J: milk from a mommy or milk from a cow?
M: from a mommy...from me.
J: from your booby?
M: yes.
J: can daddy feed kate?
M: no.
J: why does daddy have boobies?
M: i don't really know.
J: to look pretty in a swimsuit?
M: (laughing) maybe...
J: why do me and sydney have boobies?
M: sydney has boobies so she can feed her babies like mommy does.
J: i have boobies to help me walk and sydney has boobies to help her ride horses.
M: i think you're right. now go to sleep.


Pam Jorgensen said…
Scott, Rylee and I laughed a hardy laugh at that one. What a wise (cracking) little boy!!
Doney Days said…
That is hilarious! I'm laughing out loud! Zane asked why boys have nipples one day and Dan told him they were just for decoration! So that's what our kids tell people now. Funny kids!

Thanks for the congrats! We are very excited! And yes, I will not be dieting while prego! I told Dan he has to keep it up though! :)
Cheryl J. said…
MY GOODNESS...I'm laughing out loud! I told you Jackson is entertaining and Grandpa should appreciate him more ;-)
HAHAHAHA!!! That is SO funny! Tell Jake he looks so pretty in a swimsuit.
NYCJD said…
As my mother taught me, I only wear one piece swimsuits. That way you can see my boobies. If I wore immodest two pieces suits, you couldn't see my sexy boobies.
Roberta said…
WOW!!! I read it to Jimmy yesterday and we're still laughing about it. He's hilarious! I think the stage where you never know what will come out of their mouths is so much fun! Hope you're enjoying Moberly.

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