Funny Jackson

Some new funny comments from Jackson:

After Jake yelled at Sydney to lay down and go to sleep..."If Jacob yells at my best friend Sissy again, I SPANK!"

Tonight while spinning around in circles..."I'm getting BUSY!"


Celeste said…
I LOVE how he calls him Jacob!!!! That is the best!!!! Aren't they soooo funny. I was singing the other day and Keaton said "Mom-Stop singing - it's making my ears so sick!" LOL
Pam Jorgensen said…
Carson: "Can Jackson come over to my house?"
Mom: "no, he lives too far away."
Carson: "we can go there in my airplane bike! it goes woody, woody fast like a rocket!"
Mom: "ok, tell me when it's ready!"
Carson: "I'll go fix it right now!"

We may be coming by sooner than we thought!!

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