Finally...the announcement

Hooray, #3 is on the way! We waited a really long time to tell the family about this baby. But finally, we spilled the beans last week. Monday we found out at our really cool, 3-D ultrasound that we're having a seemingly healthy baby girl. (I'm hesitant to say that because it was one of those...well, I don't see anything so it's a girl!) We wanted to think of a fun way to tell the family and knew that everyone would be gathering for Thanksgiving. So after going through several ideas, finally we decided to make some pink sugar cookies to send. We thought we were going cheap, but it ended up being more expensive than we expected, so we didn't even send all the packages we wanted. Inside the box were pink sugar cookies and a sign that said "Sugar and spice and everything nice...that's what our new little girl is made of! Coming March 2008"

I'm hesitant to show these pictures of our cookies because this was our first time with the pour over frosting. I don't think we had the consistency quite right, but they set up ok and tasted great. We had limited counter space so we were trying to speed-dry the cookies with the hair dryer! Jake is such a good little elf!

So there you have it. Baby GIRL Skousen is on her way. I'm 21 weeks along, making me due April 6. Because of my diabetes, the dr's in the past have induced me at exactly 38 weeks to optimize the situation....getting baby out before she's too big but letting her stay in long enough for the lungs to be completely developed. If we follow the pattern of Jackson and Sydney, which is likely, the baby will be here around March 23. (my nephew Brian's birthday!) Maybe we'll push for the day before, a Saturday, and let Brian keep his day all to himself.


Skousen # 4 said…
Those look so good. I am so excited for you to have another girl. I love little girls of course I don't know any better.
Congratulations! What a fun way to tell everyone!
Yay Jen!! I thought those cookies were store bought!! They looked so perfect! Very tasty. :)
Cheryl J. said…
Wow! I didn't know you made those cookies. Now I'm even more impressed!
HAHAHA okay, I missed this blog! Don't ask me how! CONGRATS!!
Doney Days said…
HOORAY! Congrats! That is so exciting! I hope you're feeling ok!
krysta said…
HOW EXCITING!! Those cookies look yummy. And I really LOVE that blow dryer.. It takes me all the way back to the D R. My green machine hornet died a few years ago.
Ron said…
CONGRATS GUYS!! Thats awesome! You are one up on us ;) - guess we better get busy. Hope all is well in NYC. Say hi to Mel if you ever see her.
-The Grovers

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