Last week we decided we were going to make the most of a day off with Jake, so we headed to the Central Park Zoo. The kids had a ton of fun, though they were a little afraid of the animals at the petting zoo...well, only when the animals got close enough to eat out of their hands. You'll notice Sydney was excited about the sheep until it licked her hand. Same story with Jackson. He loved watching Sydney feed the sheep till it came time for him. Sydney was such a funny sight in her marshmallow snow suit. It was funny to watch her walk around in looks like her feet shouldn't be able to support her. But she was warm! I love the picture of Jackson airborne over a puddle. This is one of his favorite tricks...puddle jumping. Most of the time he's pretty good at it too...sometimes I get wet! Sydney is a little obsessed with noses...she likes sticking her fingers in our noses...and the turtle was no exception.